We use common sense and the best tools available:
🚆 TRIZ ✨ CRAFT 🎳 Design Thinking ⛺ JTBD 🏓 Lateral Thinking 🎍 Lego Serious Play 🥊 ChatGPT ☀️ Gemini AI 🀄 Perplexity AI 🕹️ Copilot AI 💰 Claude AI
“ Creativity is one of the most sought-after skills today, and its importance has been growing in recent years.
— The Future of Jobs Report 2023, WEF
“ Investment in the development of team creativity has a positive impact on company’s financial performance with results lasting over a period of up to 6 yrs.
— McKinsey research, 2019, Forrester research, 2019
A canvas for designing and running a brainstorming session
You can try it on miroverse or download full PDF-version with manual here.
Our clients
Who is in charge
Vetas Raznostoronniy (eng. Vit Versatile), Team Сreativity Trainer, Mediator, TEDx Speaker, ex-CMO at IKRA Global, Author of the Idea of CRAFT methodology center and Guest Teacher at the Higher School of Economics, Bestselling Author.
Want to boost your team’s creativity or invite me to your projects?
Book a convenient time for talk through the link or QR-code